and the
Smoky Mountains

I can hardly believe it! I'm in Tennessee!

Mom brought me down here with her and Aunt Renee for a Shindig in the Smokies. We came down a day early so we could see some of the area around Pigeon Forge, TN.
Even Mom was surprised to learn that the Smoky Mountains are home to a large number of black bears. So there were Black Bear Inns, lodges, motels, restaurants, shows, stores ...everything. There were also teddy bears everywhere.

We took an aerial tram to the top of a mountain. This is what it looks like.

At first I was a little bit afraid because those things travel high above the ground.

But once we got moving I had to see everything so I got out of the seat and looked out the window.

The mountains are really beautiful.

Mom told me they call them the Smoky Mountains because there is a haze that usually covers the mountains and looks like smoke. In this picture you are also seeing the reflection of my bows in the window.

At the top of the mountain you can get out and stay as long as you want. There are restaurants and an arcade up there. There is also a place you can see real black bears.

They have a a nice place to live now. Mom said she was there a few years ago and it wasn't nice. But now it's much better.

This big fellow was asleep. I didn't blame him at all. It was very hot there. I think it was 90 degrees everyday.

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The Adventures of Hare-iette C Hopplebuns, PartIV, page 1
Copyright Carol Bastian, 2005
All rights reserved
(Copyright applies to all text and photos. Backgrounds and animations are not included in my copyright)