Hare-iette really didn't want to look for the kitten's owner, but she knew she had to. She called a few neighbors but no one had lost a kitten. Hare-iette was really getting attached to the little fellow.

Finally I insisted that Hare-iette put an ad in the paper. She resisted, but she finally did it. Darla took the ad and told her it would be in the next issue.

When the paper came, Hare-iette checked to see if her ad was in. It was.

After that, Hare-iette got upset every time the phone rang.

It wasn't too long until the dreaded phone call came. A lady said they had a litter of kittens. One had sneaked out and gotten lost.
Hare-iette asked the lady to describe the kitten. A moment later she burst into tears, sobbing, "But I love him! And he loves me!"

The lady asked to speak with Hare-iette's mother. When I got on the phone, the woman explained that the kittens were old enough to leave their mother. She was about to start looking for homes for them, She asked me if it would be Ok for Hare-iette to keep the kitten. I said, "Of course!!"
When I told Hare-iette, she jumped off the couch and did somersaults across the living room.

She called the kitten and he jumped up on her lap. She told him he could stay with her forever. She named him Furby.

The Adventures of Hare-iette C Hopplebuns, PartIII, page 6
Copyright Carol Bastian, 2005
All rights reserved
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