Christmas Day !

Christmas morning! Hare-iette threw on her clothes and ran to see what was under the tree for her.
"Uh oh, Hare-iette, you forgot something."

"Ok, that's better."

I got Hare-iette new pajamas and Santa brought her her very own camera!

We were all glad that Mom was well enough to be up enjoying Christmas with us.
AND it was her 94th birthday too.

What a busy day!
The neighbors from up the road dropped by.

The neighbors from the back came over.

My cousin, Patti, arrived with gifts.

Tiffy brought a gift.
EEEEEWWWWWWW I hope that one isn't for ME!!!

Hare-iette loves the boom-box that Patti gave her.
"Hare-iette, turn it DOWN!!!!
Next Christmas I'm getting Patti's critters a trumpet.

Hare-iette's children and grandchildren gathered in front of the TV to watch a Christmas story.

It just wouldn't be Christmas with out a family picture. My goodness the young ones certainly did grow up this past year.

What a nice Christmas it was. I think it was....... OH NO!!!!!

Who is he??? Where does he come from??? What does he want??? Why is he in our house???? Why can't I catch him????
I have a headache.

Click to see what Hare-iette found

The Adventures of Hare-iette C Hopplebuns, PartIII, page 4
Copyright Carol Bastian, 2005
All rights reserved