Christmas Eve

Christmas eve is my favorite day of the year. This year I had to be up and out early to go and get Buddy's medicine. I told Hare-iette I'd take her out to breakfast if she came with me.
She quickly wiggled into her clothes.

She got upset because she could only find one ribbon but we didn't have time to look for the other one.

I really must teach Hare-iette to pick up her clothes *sigh*

I decided to take Hare-iette to a place she would love... a convenience store that sells Krispy Kreme donuts! She was delighted.

When we got home we still had presents to wrap.

Then there was evening Mass.

That evening we were finally ready for Christmas and sat down to relax. Hare-iette asked me to read her the Christmas book we got in Vermont. Hare-iette reads very well now but said it was so nice and cozy to sit on my lap and listen to a story.

When the book was finished Hare-iette wanted to tell me the story of her friend Percy. Of course I wanted to hear it. Here she is telling me her story.

Click to read her story

The Adventures of Hare-iette C Hopplebuns, PartIII, page 4
Copyright Carol Bastian, 2005
All rights reserved